Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And the Verdict Is In: April Showers Bring May Showers

It has been a while since I've been here. A lot has happened since then, as it should in any normal person's life. However, the circumstances around the "a lot" are far from normal, methinks. It has been crazy, and I find myself alone in all of this. In a way, though, I've found more friends through all of this than I ever knew. It is a strange situation. Let me start at the beginning, perhaps?

It was about a month ago, I suppose, just after the last blog post, that my father and my brother were fighting. My brother's girlfriend had dumped him, and he wanted to go hang out with friends. My father wouldn't let him go. My brother decided to sneak out while Dad was asleep. So, understandably, Dad got angry. However, the situation escalated as Dad yelled and my brother talked back. Dad eventually screamed something to the effect of "why are you acting like this," as if it was my brother who was the issue. See, we usually just shut up and let him talk. You can't really get a word in edgewise, and if you do it's insubordination if he hasn't asked you a direct question. Regardless, so my brother, who had been told that he and Dad could go for a drive at any time to talk about things that my brother didn't want us to hear, basically told Dad that he wanted to go for a drive to talk about it. Well, Dad was under the impression that he was "stealing the car," or so he claims. So, Dad went out there and ripped Scott out of the car, slammed him into the Probe next to it, and tossed him on the ground, and then began to yell at him. Suffice to say, it was a pretty nasty situation.

Well, a couple days later word got around to my aunt, who called from North Carolina to report the situation. So, rap rap rap on the door came Detective Overly and another officer, our "uncle." We went and reported the situation, figuring that we had no choice but to go down to the station. My brother and I were there for eight hours total, because he supposedly had to go back to the hospital to have an approved examination. But wait, we don't have to go. Oh wait, yes we do, with Overly herself. Wait, no, yes. We got the run around the entire day, nobody could tell us anything or give us a straight answer about anything. Mom and my youngest brother left earlier because they didn't have to be there, but I didn't want my brother to be there alone. Regardless, so that sucked. Then, they put him in jail overnight. There was a bond hearing and stuff, but that's unimportant. Just frustrating, and painful for my grampa.

My mom has been back and forth to court over the past few weeks, for this one, and for a CPS case that was opened because Dad went off half-cocked and told them that she was unfit to care for us because he was convinced that she had called the police and gotten him in jail. She was going to the day before, but didn't end up doing so because he agreed to do anger management counseling, though he never did go. However, our attorney for the CPS case (us being the kids) said that the case there is silly, and he is recommending it closed. He is really nice, and seems to want to help us, and to look out for our interests, not those of the court system. Which is odd, because my dad's attorney doesn't seem to want what's best for us. No, he seems to think that we're the bad guy in all of this, and he's a complete ass to us. As were the police, really, or at least the ones involved with the case. The rest of them were really kind to us, and they fed us and bought us drinks and stuff while we were there, which was wonderful.

Today we had to go into court early and stayed until about five o'clock. Which was insanely annoying. We could have been out of there earlier, but Dad wouldn't take a plea deal. Here's how it went. We arrived early, and waited. Then, the prosecutor came to us at about noon and said that he was offering a plea to Dad to try to keep the kids off the stand, because he really hates putting kids on the stand, where he would force Dad into probation and make him go to anger management, and a parenting class. However, this plea means that he'd plead guilty to Disorderly Conduct. Instead, he rejected the plea, going up against Domestic Violence and Assault, which could land him in jail for up to a year, and putting us on the stand. All to keep Disorderly Conduct off his record. Which was absolutely retarded, though he claimed he had been lied to. Disorderly Conduct, which, by the way, is a level four misdemeanor; it is the same charge as urinating in public. Regardless, so he declined this, which would have allowed us to leave at one thirty or two o'clock. Instead he risked putting us on the stand and had us waiting for another three hours. However, the prosecutor, who is supposed to be trying to convict him, which is why this surprised me so much, offered another plea deal where he'd dismiss the charges if Dad goes to counseling and stuffs, like before. He said that, though he wasn't comfortable with the charges being dropped, he really didn't want to put us on the stand. That man is an angel! I am so thankful to him for it. Dad did take that plea deal, but only because Mom was mad at him I am sure. Mom is crying divorce, sorta, though I am not sure that she'll go through with it.

Also, my boyfriend dumped me. First, he whined that it was because I didn't have time for him. Next, he told me that he never really meant it, and that it was for me, because I didn't have to deal with his stuff anymore. Which I still do. He just made it harder for me because I know I can't trust him. Silly bones can't make up his mind. I'm still getting whined at for that, and for TYOB, too, now. It's stressful, to say the least.

But! I have a job now, which, though stressful (I don't want to go tomorrow!), I do like. Though I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail out of school, which is not good at all. Regardless, I'm gonna shut up now. Bye!