Monday, March 10, 2008

Sweet as a Lemon

So I recently re-heard "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" by Lemon Demon...and have fallen in love all over again. This time, though, I've gone and looked up some of their other stuff. I've discovered that they're really quite awesome. I've been doing that a lot lately, exploring music. I've discovered quite a few bands that are really quite awesome, despite off-the-beaten-path. Or from another country. The Bloodhound Gang, Scared Weird Little Guys, Bodyjar, Garbage...and I've heard a lot more from bands I'd already known. ^_^ It's pretty awesome. I'm also 99% sure it's Popeye's doing ^_^

I've also seen a ton of movies recently. Which is odd; I've never been a movie buff. But meh. I've a new favorite movie: Hot Fuzz. Absolutely amazing ^_^ Action-y, and hilarious...and just cool!

And the past couple days have been Dungeons and Dragons amazing ^_^ Augh, I am such a dork! But it's so fun. So it's cool.

We got a record-breaking snow this weekend. Twenty inches in one day! It's been amazing; I've never seen this much snow in one place. I've got a couple wintry awesome stories to tell any little gremlins I have...should I choose to and have the opportunity.

Part of me worries that I'll never get that chance. I can only seem to hold a steady relationship online. This would make it difficult to have a family, would it not? I'm just not cut out for the real life thing ^_^ We'll just see how it goes. I can't really predict my life before it happens, can I? Who knows, perhaps I'll just be awesome and find someone in real life. Or Popeye and I will actually be together. Either way ^_^

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