Monday, September 24, 2007


OHHHH EMMM GEEEEE! Halo 3....FINALLY released! We've had it reserved for almost two years now, and it's out! We went and waited in line for a couple hours to get it the minute it came out. We got the Legendary set: a big black cube of gamey goodness. Wewtness! Inside said cube was a helmet and a stand that, although we can't wear it, is quite shiny and cool. Also, we've got the game (obviously) and some bonus features disk thingy.

The graphics aren't as awesome as my over zealous brain thought they would be; the screenshots of Master Chief were in-depth and beautiful. His model was done very well. The humans and vegetation, however, were not done quite as well. They looked awfully fakey to me after what I had seen, and after the stuff that has been previously released on the 360. I would think they could make the graphics better, since they had somewhere around TWO YEARS to develop it. What the heck were they doing?

I feel bad saying this because you know that one human's face probably took at least sixty hours to render. But still...I'm frustrated. Of course, I am also being "emo", so I'm overly critical at this point. Woohoo for being crazy. It's fun.

Still, though, it's Halo 3. I am going to play (once the Xbox is boring again) and kick bum and THEN I will say "Oh wow, that game was awesome" (hopefully). All hail Master Chief.

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