Thursday, February 21, 2008

On Such a Day as This...

Oh the snow has been piling up lately. I saw it snow the hardest I've ever seen last night. It was completely white. I could not see across the street, it was snowing so hard. A white wall, swirling in all directions. And completely silent except for the whistle of the wind as it whorled across the earth. Then today it snowed nearly all day, a cheery gentle snow of huge fluffy flakes, drifting like pieces of cloud from the atmosphere. Drifts sit everywhere, rising to my ankles. It's not packing snow, though. It's the fluffy kind that reminds me of feathers.

Tonight there was a lunar eclipse. It was breathtaking. The moon glittered around the edges, but there was a reddish orange hue over the round of it. I think that, down here being icy and colorless, it made the moon more beautiful than it would have been had the eclipse occurred in the summertime. It was breathtaking.

Popeye and I are still going strong, despite a couple scares. I love him so much! It's odd; we've never met. We've not quite been dating a month. Yet, I've never been happier. He is my other half. To steal from a movie trailer, he is the cheese to my macaroni. I'm officially obsessed. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Most kids my age will say that about every relationship they have; the phrase is so overused. But I have never felt the need to say this before. He is different, though, than anyone else. If it came down to it, I would marry him tonight, and die for him tomorrow.

I know, anyone who reads this is going to shake their head at my naiveté. You, who are world weary travelers, who have seen more and know more than I do. I've done the cynical thing. I will probably do it again, when this relationship ends in ashes and I am left alone once again. I know this. But for right now, I am happy. For right now, I entertain romantic illusions of grandeur. Life will throw me curve balls. But for now, I'm looking at the straight path, and ignoring the ambushes.

Ugh. Happy.

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