Monday, February 11, 2008

Wedding Bells

Popeye got a job recently! He is a Junior IT with some company or another, I'm not sure what the name of it is. Yesterday was his first day, and he said in his e-mail that it went well. He has to learn HTML for it, though, which will make it a bit difficult. Shit happens, though, and he'll get it ^_^ I BELIEVE in him!

It kind of stinks, though. Even though it means that he will be able to visit eventually, It takes a huge chunk out of our time together; we may not see each other at all on weekdays. Even if we do, it won't be for very much time at all. So, we will see how it goes. Weekends he is free, and I'll talk to him then. And there's always e-mail. But IM is so much more fun, and more personal. Thus, I am a bit bummed.

I got to hear his voice for the first time EVER just the other day. He's never let me hear his voice in the whole four years I've known him. Just last night, my brother talked him into it. Dangit, Scott is so much better at all this than I am. Regardless, he has a perfectly clear and wonderful voice, and an adorable accent. It's odd, though, I've never actually spoken to someone with an accent before. Well, there has been the occasional New York or Southern, but for the most part they are not thick at all. His accent is thick as peanut butter. Where that description came from, I have no idea, but I digress.

I am hearing wedding bells. I know, I know, we've not even been dating for a month yet. On top of this, I've not met him in person once. But I have known him for nearly four years, and have been best best best friends with him for six or seven months now. So in a way, I suppose it's not THAT much a leap. I've made bigger. Girliness tends to take over when it comes to relationships, though I do resist. He, on the other hand, does not resist in the slightest. He is more in touch with his feminine side than I am in a lot of ways ^_^

Otherwise, I have been reading and playing a lot of video games lately. I'm working on George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss. It is one of the Christmas books I got from my grandmother. Next on the list is either Wuthering Heights or Animal Farm by George Orwell, which I got in the mail for school, but which I've wanted to read for a while. I'm reading The Crucible for one English class right now, too, which, though I've read it, and seen the movie, is still semi-interesting. Finally, I will be starting The War of the Worlds for my other English class fairly soon, though that will take very little time; I have a week devoted to the book. Also, I played Halo 3 for the first time the other day, and I absolutely loved it ^_^ Then my brother and I went back and started it on Legendary, but we keep dying. It's hard! I've only played on Normal up until now, so that jump is gargantuan for me, though I'm not doing too badly. Cool Bro is getting his arse whooped, though, and it's frustrating him. But it makes me giggle after he died twice during the entire campaign when he played Normal with me. He's a Heroic kid, I think. ^_^ But it's fun, for sure.

Who knows, though. Maybe Popeye is "The One". And maybe, more likely, I am just being girly. But we are so alike, and we're getting along so well right now. So I am enjoying it while it lasts ^_^

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