Tuesday, January 22, 2008


"Hypothetically, what would you say if I were to tell you I was falling for you?"

Popeye said this to me today, just about half an hour ago. I'm still reeling. Popeye...my bestbestbest friend. Oh it's wonderful :) He won't date me, but it is still kind of nice to know that I'm fall worthy.

Though, in a way, it is a bit frustrating. The only guys who like me are ten thousand miles away. That does not speak well for my character, does it? It is frustrating in a way. The only way for me to get a date, it seems, is to date people who I have never met, can never touch, or see...essentially not knowing them until my wedding day, should that ever decide to happen. *sigh*

I've been hanging out with a bunch of my brother's friends the past couple days, which is pretty cool :) They're nice people, and they're fun. We kind of have a group thing going on. My biggest issue is the whole "pot" thing...all of them smoke pot, and it bothers me. I feel very...out of the loop. I don't smoke...ever...I feel very out of place in a lot of ways. We'll just see how it goes. But for now, I'm just hanging out with them.

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