Wednesday, January 30, 2008

On Dating and Disaster

Last night, the shit hit the fan again.

I know what you're thinking. What are you talking about?

I'm going to tell you! But first there is some back story necessary!

Cool Bro has had a number of girlfriends, most of them after we moved here about a year ago. He always has girls fawning all over him. He's so cuuute, he's so sweeeet, he's so dreamy, right? What can I say, he's popular. However, most of his girlfriends have been bitchy, stuck up, and full of themselves. They use him, they control him, they lie to him, they just take and take and take and take. On top of that, they're not terribly intelligent people. Most teenaged girls aren't, or at least pretend they're not for the sake of boys. These girls have been horrendous to him.

So, a bunch of friends started hanging out around here. One in particular, a seemingly cute, fun, intelligent, sweet girl who I'll call Nurse. Cool Bro was smitten. Enter Fattie.

We have a history with Fattie. We met Fattie soon after we moved here. He lives just across the street, and seemed to be a good friend. He can be the nicest person in the world sometimes. However, he has proven over and over again that he's just out for himself and no one else. One instance, though this has happened many times, sums up the entire relationship; Fattie went skating with a friend of ours. Cool Bro and I could not join him because our mom was napping and we couldn't leave. Fattie, who was planning on hanging out with us all day, left anyway. Okay, fine. However, when he had to return because his mother did not want him at the high school? He called Cool Bro and spent the entire drive home trying to convince him not to leave with the other friend, because Cool Bro was now allowed. He lied and manipulated. When he didn't get his way, he stormed off and refused to talk to us...until he got bored and wanted something to do. Which was a couple hours. He uses us solely as a means for escape; when he's got nothing better to do, he comes over and hangs out with us. Which is still a good amount of time. But still, he is consistently trying to find something better to do in front of us at our house, making promises to stay the night, and getting mad when he can't come back drunk. Before you go all psychological on me, yes I know that he's probably running from something, and has a hard life. But that does not give him the right to treat us the way he does, to say the things he does on a regular basis, and it does not mean we have to take it. Regardless...

So, Cool Bro and Fattie had a chat at the beginning of all this. Fattie liked Nurse. Cool Bro liked Nurse. Cool Bro told Fattie during the first chat that, if Fattie liked her so much, Cool Bro would back off. A girl isn't worth a fight between bros, he said. Fattie returned with "No, no, it's okay", and things of that nature. So, Cool Bro continued to hang out with her, and to like her more and more. The next conversation rolls around. Cool Bro tells Fattie that he really likes her, and that he wants Fattie to back off, since Fattie does not like her as much as Cool Bro does. Fattie, of course, promises that he will. However, a few days later, Fattie goes back on his word, and starts calling Cool Bro selfish for even suggesting it. His MySpace status began to read things like "o yea ive found the girl that i was looking for!!! i hope it doesnt hurt anyone..." Uhm...duh! He was putting it up there to feel better about what he was doing.

So, last night, Fattie and Nurse went on a date. Fattie came over just before the date, while texting Nurse about it, and lied to us, telling us that his mom was going. We can tell when he lies, he's not very good at it. Regardless, we let it go. Cool Bro went over to Fattie's house a little later in the evening, thinking that he had to be home after all this time. Lo and behold, Fattie's mom is there. So, Cool Bro calls him. He stays casual, of course, doesn't tell Fattie that he knows he's lying. Fattie says that he's outside smoking. Scott asks where his mom is, and he says that his mom didn't come with him, but Fattie's brother and his brother's girlfriend. Both of whom are standing in the room with Cool Boy. Needless to say, he was pissed. Not that they went on a date, but that he lied...multiple times!

But wait, there's more! Later that night, Fattie invites Cool Bro over to hang out. I went with him. There was another friend there for a teensy bit of time, but then it was just Cool Bro, Nurse, Fattie, and I. It was a "rub it in your face" session. Fattie was all over Nurse. Not that it was not reciprocated. It was obvious that something was going on. How heartless can you be, regardless of everything else? I mean seriously...I can understand the not backing off, though going back on your word bothers me, he did not have to agree. But then to go on a date...lie about it...and invite the BEST FRIEND who you call your BROTHER over to rub it in his face that you're dating the girl?! What the HELL!? Then, when Cool Bro confronted him, later that night, he played dumb, like always. "Why is it such a big deal?! You said we were like brothers!"...that sort of thing. I have never been this pissed in my entire life. Not once. I want to beat the living daylights out of the kid. Over and over and over again. I'm kind of scared, in a way, because I don't think I can control myself if I see him and not attack him. If I see him, I am going to hit him. I don't understand how you could do something like that to someone you call family. It makes no sense to me.

TYOB was suicidal last night, or so he claimed. I dunno, in my experience, people who whine about it are lying about it. Of course, by the same token, he didn't whine in the same manner. It was a suggestion. I'm worried, to say the least. I feel guilty in a lot of ways, I feel like I've driven him to it. But, by the same token, he was that way before I met him. If there's nothing in his life that's worth it, he either needs to get help to see that there are things, or he needs to do it, I suppose. There is no "well maybe". Though that sounds really bad. I feel so guilty! But, again, if I do as he wants, if I date him, it's not going to fix the problem. It's only going to put a band-aid on a bigger issue; his self-esteem is wrapped up in either controlling other people, or who he's dating. Either way, it needs to change. Plus, it would only make it worse if I lied to him and told him that I wanted to date him. I do love him. But I don't want to be with him. He's not the right person for me.

Good news, though, Popeye asked me out ^_^ He hasn't dated anyone in over a year, and hasn't done the online thing for 2. I can vouch for it, too, 'cause I've known him since before that :D Though it frustrates me because I can't get a date in real life, I am happy with him. He's so wonderful ^_^ We get along so well. Though, I suppose I have only been dating him for 5 days. But still. We've gotten along for three years prior to this; I met him when we were 14. I love him ^_^ He's coming to visit later this year, hopefully, regardless of dating status. The dating is kind of a trial basis for both of us. We're not sure about the whole online dating thing. But we're good friends, and will remain so as long as things remain peaceful. I suppose there can never be 100% certainty with these things, but I can't foresee him doing anything that would make me not want to be his friend. Of course, again, there's no way to tell for sure. ^_^ I gots me an Aussie. :D Smexyful ;)

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